Introduction to HP3 - The High-Performance Political Party
If we want Australia to have a progressive 21st century, it’s in our interests to have a functional 21st century institution on our side of politics. The increasing fragmentation of the progressive vote in Australian politics is dysfunctional, and our current major political parties are not fit for purpose. If we are going to meet the challenges of the 21st century, then we need a new, 21st century institution.
Introduction to HP3 - The High-Performance Political Party
The High Performance Political Party is a concept about creating a new organisation within our current political system. It’s about looking at a series of logical questions: What is the situation that we find ourselves in? How do the political systems that we have around us work and function? And what are functional ways that progressives can make the system work to our advantage? Successful societies have always been able to achieve institutional renewal; it’s in our interests to figure out how to best work together in a large, single, effective organisation.