This September the team attended the Australian Political Studies Association conference at the ANU, the first major event for HP3 ever. The conference, which has been an inaugural event since the fifties, brings together professors and researchers from across Australia to share new research ideas, and reflect on recent political events.
We were excited to see what Aussie political academia would think about HP3. Justin, Emma and Jack set about getting our posters up around campus and the conference venue, check us doing it below:

Once we were getting some traction, the team got to work attending conferences and finding out about the papers coming out of Australia’s top universities. We saw some fantastic presentations, like Stephen Mills’ work on the declining fortunes of central office in establishment parties, Marija Taflaga and Keith Dowding’s paper on changing decision premises in Australian administration and Anika Gauja’s study of voting patterns in regional Australians. We found we had a lot in common with the academics in terms of views of political party stagnation, and voter discontent.
To be able to start the process of spreading the word about HP3 at such an important event was truly an honour. HP3 is excited to continue our relationship with the academic community well into the future.
Emma and Jack